Discover the transformative power of dental implants at Brookline Periodontics and Oral Surgery, where Dr. Shadi Daher and Dr. Milagros Serrano specialize in offering this revolutionary solution for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Dental implants represent a significant advancement in dental care, providing a durable and aesthetically pleasing option for tooth replacement.

Dental implants are a state-of-the-art solution, comprising a titanium post surgically implanted into the jawbone, serving as a root for the artificial tooth. This post, over time, integrates with the bone, creating a stable and enduring foundation for a crown, bridge or denture.

Our process for dental implants is carefully planned for your comfort and satisfaction. It starts with a thorough consultation to evaluate your oral health and determine your suitability for implants. Following this, the implant post is surgically placed into your jawbone. A period of healing is then allowed, during which the implant fuses with the bone. Finally, you will see our dentists for a custom-made dental prosthesis, such as a crown, bridge or denture, as the final touch to your implant.

The benefits of choosing dental implants include:

  • A natural look and feel, closely mimicking the appearance and function of natural teeth.
  • Improved oral health, as implants help in preserving the jawbone structure and preventing bone loss.
  • Exceptional durability and longevity, with the potential for implants to last a lifetime with proper care.
  • Enhanced comfort and confidence, eliminating the discomfort and insecurity often linked with dentures.

If you are looking to improve your smile and oral health, our dental implant services are here to help. Schedule a consultation today at 617-734-9494 to learn how dental implants in Brookline, Massachusetts, can bring a lasting positive change to your oral health and aesthetics.

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